Vote NO in NOvember

NO California Style Elections

NO Fake Landowner Bill of Rights

NO Increase in Crime and Suicide

NO Extreme Abortions

Don’t California Our South Dakota

Vote No to prevent California-style primary elections in SD. This type of election would give BIG MONEY special interests groups more control of SD and threaten the fairness of our elections.

Vote NO to backroom deals that benefit private CO2 pipeline companies and strip South Dakotans of property rights and local control. Also, RL21 violates the South Dakota Constitution.

Vote NO to prevent late-term and up to birth abortions, safeguard parents’ rights to know if their daughter is undergoing an abortion, and maintain current health and safety requirements.

Vote No to legalized recreational marijuana and the increase in crime, teen suicides, and families issues that come with it. We need to reduce health challenges and accidents, not increase them.